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[servicefa items_per_row=”4″] [itemfa title=”RMA” icon=”repeat” color=”#000″ seq=”Yes” a_fffect=”” style_bg=”” background=”” border=”1px solid undefined”] To inquire about returning an item or claim any problems with the product please click the following button and fill out our support form: [button align_button=” a_fffect=” delay=” link=’’ class=” background=’#ffffff’ border=’#000000′ color=’#000000′ hover_bg_color=” hover_border=” hover_text_icon_color=”] RMA Support Form [/button] [/itemfa] [itemfa title=”Video Tutorials” icon=”facetime-video” color=”#000″ seq=”Yes” a_fffect=”” style_bg=”” background=”” border=”1px solid undefined”] Check out our video tutorials on how to use the latest Cinegears Lens Control Systems and 3D Stereoscopic systems. [button align_button=” a_fffect=” delay=” link=’’ class=” background=’#ffffff’ border=’#000000′ color=’#000000′ hover_bg_color=” hover_border=” hover_text_icon_color=”] Video Tutorials [/button]   [/itemfa] [itemfa title=”FAQ” icon=”indent-right” color=”#000000″ seq=”Yes” a_fffect=”” style_bg=”” background=”” border=”1px solid undefined”] The following page consists of answers to frequently asked questions about our Lens Control Systems. [button align_button=” a_fffect=” delay=” link=’’ class=” background=’#ffffff’ border=’#000000′ color=’#000000′ hover_bg_color=” hover_border=” hover_text_icon_color=”] FAQ Page [/button] [/itemfa] [itemfa title=”Downloads” icon=”file-text” color=”#000000″ seq=”Yes” a_fffect=”” style_bg=”” background=”” border=”1px solid undefined”] The following page consists of instruction manuals for our our Lens Control Systems and 3D Stereoscopic Systems. [button align_button=” a_fffect=” delay=” link=’’ class=” background=’#ffffff’ border=’#000000′ color=’#000000′ hover_bg_color=” hover_border=” hover_text_icon_color=”] Downloads [/button] [/itemfa] [/servicefa]