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CINEGEARS Multi Axis Wireless Follow Receiver

CINEGEARS Multi Axis Wireless Follow Receiver


  • Multi Axis Wireless Receiver drives up to 6 Cinegear Lens Control Motors
  • Providing REC (start/stop) control
  • Stereoscopic 3d filming support
  • Mounts to your rig on a rail by quick clamp, and is powered using the 2-PIN1B to 2-PIN0B cable

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The Cinegears Multi Axis Wireless Receiver drives up to 6 Cinegears Lens Control Motors, as well as providing REC (start/stop) control, Stereoscopic 3d filming support, and an option for wired control. The receiver mounts to your rig on a rail by quick clamp, and is powered using the 2-PIN1B to 2-PIN0B cable. Keep an eye on your parameters easily with a backlit LED screen. The receiver also has the option of being connected to the hand controller via a 4-pin lemo cable (included).