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Hex Adjustable VR 360 Camera Rig

Hex Adjustable VR 360 Camera Rig
September 24, 2016

HEX_TOP_STEREOSCOPICThe HEX Adjustable VR 360 Camera Rig System by Cinegears allows you to record 360° VR video with a variety of cameras.
Customize your shoot with the 6-10 camera rig, works with VideoStitch software, allowing you to actively monitor your 3D recordings with a receiver.

The industry leading Real-Time StereoStitch software is included.Works with Sony A7R II, Blackmagic Design Micro Studio 4K cameras or GH4 cameras.

Real-time 3D 360 Video Stitching compatible with the HEX and the Mini HEX.
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